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Browse our Newsletter Archive below for more articles & growing guides! The most recent Newsletters are on top of the list! If you enjoy these, Sign Up for our Newsletter Today! We will let you know when a new newsletter is available online.
Sign Up to Our Newsletter!Hello & welcome to MARCH! It's been a busy start already with the Kalamunda Garden Festival on Sunday 2nd! We had a great day as always - catching up with lots of industry friends and learning from our amazing speakers. It seems we're on summer's last hurrah - these cooler nights and slightly cooler days have been lovely, haven't they? The garden's already looking a little stronger. It's the perfect time to get busy and get planting!
Hello & welcome to February! Summer has definitely arrived; with HOT days (and nights) - taking a toll on our patience and our gardens!! It's Bunuru - the Noongyar season of the hottest part of the year, and I think we all feel it! But the good news is February is the last (official) month of summer and we know that the seasons will roll on. Autumn is such an exciting time for gardening in Perth and I know you're all looking forward to it.
Hello & welcome to 2025! Amazing how quick the years seem to roll around; it's now 5 years since we moved to Wilson Road, and - can you believe - 25 years since the turn of the century and the Y2K drama. Life goes by so quickly - make sure you take some time for YOU and do the things you love in 2025. Hopefully - that means spending some time in nature and enjoying your garden. This month, I have included an update about the Queensland Fruit Fly outbreak - if you're in the red zone (see DPIRD's website) all of us gardeners THANK YOU and feel your anguish at having to strip your fruiting plants... we really appreciate your sacrifice! Let's hope this pest can be eradicated once again; it is a worse pest than the existing fruit fly (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) that we already deal with - so home gardeners AND commercial growers are counting on people to do the right thing. If you have friends or family in the affected area, please make sure they're aware of the problem and ask that they spread the word amongst neighbours.
Hello and welcome to DECEMBER It's officially Summer - Birak; the first nations people's 'first summer' season - with warmer easterly winds (traditionally in the morning) and cooler sea breezes (in the afternoon). It was traditionally a time for mosaic burning to aid seed germination and to ease passage through the landscape. Many young animals are about and fledglings are leaving the nest. In our gardens, it's time to do the prep work for when serious summer temperatures arrive. It's also the lead up to Christmas! Such a busy time of year; work parties, family catch-ups, club wind-ups - there's always a lot to do. We hope you have a lovely month - regardless of the busy-ness; we're looking forward to a little break at Christmas after a busy Spring.
Golly, welcome to NOVEMBER! Things seem to be speeding up as we head towards the end of another year - and Christmas and summer just around the corner! But we've enjoyed a lovely Spring - the odd hot day but also some welcome October rain and some mild weather too - perfect for getting out and prepping the garden.
Hello and welcome to October. Spring is well and truly here and September was our busiest month EVER - and of course, as Murphy's Law predicts, we had some machinery breakdowns that affected our production capacity for a big chunk of it... We're still trying to catch up, so we sincerely apologise if orders have been delayed during this busy time. If you're coming any distance to pick up soil or bags, it may be an idea to call in advance just to check we've got stock available in the next little while! But some good things have happened too - we're excited to share that The Greenhouse Organic is back! Leesa has started doing her lovely organically grown seedlings again, and we're currently well stocked with seasonal vegetables ready to grow. Leesa delivers to us on Wednesdays, so if you want best pick, there's your hot tip!!
Welcome to Spring! We're in Djilba - the first season of spring in the Noongar calendar, when things are waking up from winter and the bush comes alive with flowers and newborn animals. It's the time of year where we can have all kinds of weather! Warm days; then more rain and cold! Instinctively we know it's time get busy in the garden and "help" nature in our backyards... not that nature really needs helping - but I guess when we're talking highly ornamental or food gardens, we do need to work with nature to get her to bend a little to our will, in order to achieve the outcomes we're aiming for!
Hello and welcome to AUGUST! We can certainly say that WINTER has arrived - with plenty of much needed rain and some colder weather... But I can see signs of spring in the garden already; so the seasons' relentless march continues! Don't waste the opportunity that some sunny weather brings to get outside and into your garden to tackle those jobs that need doing now.
Hello, and welcome to July! We've now passed the shortest day of the year and have settled into winter - definitely some chilly nights and beautiful, but crisp days! We hope you've had a chance to get out and enjoy our lovely winter sunshine and get some of your gardening and outdoor jobs done while the opportunity's there. With some more rain on the horizon any new plantings will settle in well.
While it's winter, it's perfect growing conditions here in Perth; our vegie garden is booming and I hope yours is too! We can certainly help you get your garden in great shape - come in and see us! Bring in a small soil sample and we'll do a free pH test, and look at options for improving your soil's health and resilience. The June 'title' photo is of our garden - basically planted out in April, and we're harvesting from it daily. A purple bok choi I picked yesterday weighed 932gms! Our tiny garden is something of an experiment - we've started weighing the produce as we pick it to see over time how much it's producing. We'll keep you posted!
Welcome to MAY! It's lovely to have seen a little rain AT LAST! - As I write this today we had some showers this morning; I can see the garden is smiling!!! Things seem to be growing in front of my eyes with this combination of warmer days but cooler nights. It's a great time to be in the garden so make the most of the season while you still can!
Hello & welcome to April! It's transitioning to Djeran in the Noongyar calendar - the time of year when the weather cools, and cooler nights bring dew in the mornings. We hopefully will begin to get some rain and traditionally weather and wind patterns change. I'm sure you've experienced the chillier mornings; although the days and evenings have still been warm!
Hello and welcome to the MARCH newsletter - it's now officially Autumn (and I can hear a collective sigh of relief from Perth gardeners!). I'm sure you've noticed that the days are getting shorter. This is a sure fire way to know that the seasons are changing; and our plants notice it too. A lot of gardens (including mine) look a little sad at this time of year after such a strong summer - there's definitely work to do and plants to trim and replace. That means it's a good opportunity for reassessing our gardens - what has worked, what definitely didn't work - and where to go from here. What kind of resilient garden should we be building for the future? Hopefully, we can inspire you!
Welcome to February! It's the Noongyar season of Bunuru - the hottest part of the year. And - as always - it's STINKING HOT as schools go back! We've had a hot summer so far; and it's always a struggle to keep a Perth garden thriving under these conditions; although it's easier once plants are established in well prepared soil, and ensuring they receive regular water, and they're well mulched! The heat adds additional stress to plants - meaning that insect pests often seem to be worse too - chilli thrip and spider mites seem to be quite bad at the moment. A lot of people have been reporting it's a bad year for tomatoes so if yours are struggling along and still fruiting, you're doing well! I have seen photos of fabulous crops too - so I'm happy that some have had success.
Hello & Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024... We're back at work @ Green Life and looking forward to a fabulous year! Can you believe we've been at our 'new' premises for four years now? Time has flown by; it's been a busy few years. We closed between Christmas & New Year (as we have done the past few years) and the team all enjoyed the break. Whilst we've had a few hot days, overall December was fairly kind to us weather wise... Let's hope that January & February will also be kind! But we do know there's likely to be some hot spells ahead just because it's Summer - so hopefully we can help with tips & advice to keep your garden alive over this time of year.
Welcome to December & Summer & Birak! We've certainly had a taste of summer already - our thoughts are with those who suffered damage in the recent bushfires in Perth's northern suburbs - Let's hope the rest of the season is fire free and without brutal heat waves! Hotter temperatures put all of our gardens under pressure; so we've got some handy reminders for you of how to beat the heat (and help your garden) this summer. Thankfully December has been a little more gentle ~ at least so far!
We're well & truly into Kambarang - the 2nd spring in the Noongyar calendar, where the weather is warming, the reptiles are on the move, and the first flush of winter wildflowers have finished. Summer is just around the corner; but we do have a bit of 'all over the place' spring weather ahead, no doubt! There's still time to get your spring vegies in the ground now - and it's definitely time to mulch! I hate to mention the "C" word but Christmas is not far away - so it's time to get the place ship shape in time to kick back for the summer holidays.
Hello and welcome to the October newsletter! Spring is definitely upon us - with some warmer days and a bit of rain - it's the usual mixture for this time of year. Gardens are responding with lots of flowers, growth - and a bit of confusion with plants a bit unsure at times... but that's the joy of gardening! We've certainly had a busy month @ GLSC. Thank you to our lovely customers who keep on coming back; supporting us and sharing their love of gardening. Designing your property and garden/s is such a crucial factor in gardening success - with changing climate/reduced rainfall we definitely need to think about what we grow, where we grow it, and how we grow it. In this vein, we've got an article below on climate resilient gardens - I hope you enjoy it.
Hello and welcome to Spring! It's officially here, although the weather over the last few weeks has been very spring like already. We've enjoyed some glorious sunny days and the plants are feeling it too - in the bush around where we live, we can see it coming alive with wildflowers. It seems to happen very quickly. With lots of open gardens, Araluen and many other parks and gardens throughout Perth and the countryside all putting on a great show, it's a great opportunity to get out and enjoy what's on offer. The Nannup Flower & Garden Festival has just wrapped up, and this coming Sunday, 3rd September, it's the Kalamunda Garden Festival again (held first Sunday of each season). Come on up and check out the many plant sellers, gardening related stall holders, and some of the fabulous talks that have been scheduled.
Hello, and welcome to August! We're now transitioning to the Noongar season of Djilba - the 'first spring' - a season of transition between what we recognise as Winter and Spring; wildflowers are starting to appear, and many native animals are breeding or have bred and are raising their young. Hopefully we can expect more rain, but we can also have some clear and sunny days with cold temperatures. The weather's certainly been cold - a number of frosts have left some damage in the garden; and it seems a bit more rain is needed to fill up the creeks/dams before summer. Let's cross our fingers for a nice balance of sun & rain in the weeks to come. There's still plenty to do in the garden right now and we hope we've got inspiration & tips to get you motivated and active in your garden when those sunny windows are here.
Hello, and welcome to July! We're definitely in Winter now - but in Perth, that's an ideal time to be in the garden! I trust you're enjoying things you've got growing already; and remember now's the time to consider succession planting crops to keep you harvesting into Spring. (Yes - Spring!) We've passed the Winter solstice so days will gradually get longer again as the seasons roll around. Check out our article on the benefits and tips for succession planting below.
Hello - welcome to JUNE! It's officially WINTER and we're transitioning to Makuru in the Noongyar calendar - the wettest and coldest time of the year when the Indigenous Australians would move away from the coast to inland rivers and waterways; changing their diet to animals and seasonal plants. Many native birds are beginning to prepare for breeding, and in the bushland, you'll see wildflowers like Hovea and other blues/purples like the Dianella berries and Purple Flags (Patersonia) appear. Don't the seasons roll around quickly?
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