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Browse our Newsletter Archive below for more articles & growing guides! The most recent Newsletters are on top of the list! If you enjoy these, Sign Up for our Newsletter Today! We will let you know when a new newsletter is available online.
Sign Up to Our Newsletter!Howdy Green Lifers! In last month's newsletter I started the introduction talking about how dry it's been... well - amazing how things can turn around, isn't it? June was officially our wettest month in 14 years; although we've still got a bit to go to catch up on where the average says we should be. I hope your garden has enjoyed the rain. As always, we're still blessed with lovely sunny days in winter - perfect for getting outdoors, so don't miss those opportunities to get things done in the garden.
June! Winter is officially here; but so far the rain hasn't arrived. Let's hope that changes and we get some rain interspersed with our traditional lovely sunny winter days! While it's a little quieter in the garden, there's always things to do. This month check out our part II of 'how to improve your soil'- this time it's for those who have to deal with clay soil.
Hello & welcome to MAY! We trust you had a good Easter/school holiday/ANZAC period - many people had an extended break and for some that meant it was a good time to get things going in their garden. If you've been too busy and doing other things - it's not too late. NOW is the perfect time to get growing; the days are mainly sunny and warm and there has been a teasing amount of rain - let's hope there's more to come. In case you haven't figured it out yet - at Green Life we're a bit passionate about SOIL - it is a living thing (or at least it should be!) More and more is coming to light now about the importance of healthy, microbially active soil, and why biodiversity is so important. So if you're looking at your little patch and need help to make it better - do come and see us, because we know we can help.
Hello & welcome to April! Come and see us at this year's Perth Garden Festival - 11 - 14th April at McCallum Park, site 247. We'll have a good range of organically grown seedlings for sale, seeds, seed potatoes, plus a few of our Green Life goodies including Charlie Charcoal in updated packaging; so do come and say hello! We're also going to have a lovely range of Tucker Bush edible native plants available - so come and have a look!
We're excited to say it's OFFICIALLY AUTUMN! Our favourite time of year in the garden. Obviously we're still in for some hot weather but the seasons are definitely shifting. The indigenous Noongar people recognise 6 seasons in the South West of WA; and March falls in Bunuru - the 2nd summer; with 'Autumn' or Djeran being April & May. I think they know what they're talking about! Gardeners are nothing if not optimistic - so with the knowledge that cooler weather is on its way - there's much to be done in preparation for Autumn planting.
Summertime! It's certainly here, - with kids back to school and things settling back to normal - clubs, committees and community groups are all back to work. Planning is well underway for the 2019 Perth Garden Festival. GLSC will be there again; so make a mental note to come and say hi! If you're still hibernating inside away from the heat and not thinking about going outside to work in the garden - we're on the downhill slide to Autumn now, so hang in there! Grab a cool drink and have a read of the newsletter - hopefully it may get you inspired!
HAPPY NEW YEAR & welcome to our first newsletter of 2019. I trust you had a lovely Christmas and (just maybe) were lucky enough to have a break? How is YOUR garden surviving summer? We've got some great advice to keep things healthy and to beat some of those pesky seasonal pests. Plus lots of great tips, planting suggestions & more!
Welcome to December (and hello Summer!) With Christmas just around the corner and Summer technically here this month - it's a busy time for most of us with end of year celebrations & formalities. We've had a very busy Spring at GLSC - and our list of retail stockists has continued to grow; often because people are asking their local nurseries, etc to carry our products!! So THANK YOU for your continued support ~ we wouldn't be here without it. This month we've got lots of tips to help your garden through the warmer months.
Welcome to November! Here we are just a stone's throw from Christmas again - how does it happen? I hope you've been enjoying this Spring weather - up to now it's been very mild and our gardens have enjoyed some rain; such a lovely time as things are actively growing but not stressing in the heat. It's a busy time with lots to do in the garden; and this month we hope to give you some tips & advice in the lead up to Christmas to get your garden looking gorgeous for the festive season.
Welcome to October - we're well and truly into the Spring gardening season, and it's been lovely to see so many repeat customers come back as they're topping up their gardens again. October is our birthday month at GLSC - this year marks 17 years that Paul & I have been running the business. There's certainly been some changes along the way; and we appreciate the lovely customers who have been part of the journey. As we enjoy the Spring weather, we hope we can inspire you to get out and enjoy the sunshine while you tackle some important jobs to keep your garden looking great - both now, and through the Summer to come.
Welcome to Spring! Such an exciting time to be in the garden as things are waking up from Winter and before the Summer sun reaches the extremes of heat once more. I hope you've enjoyed some glorious weather following the rainy days. It's that time of year again - it's time to VOTE for us in the Organic Consumers' Choice Awards! The Green Life Soil Co has entered in the category of 'Organic Specialist' - and we'd appreciate your vote. Click on the link here to cast your vote... Voting is open until midnight on 7th October. THANK YOU!
Hello August - and we're 2/3rds through winter - officially. I can see signs of Spring in the garden already; our Almond tree is flowering, the Irises are in bud and so is my one and only Rose bush (which is a worry because I still haven't pruned it!). Sometimes the weather confuses us all... but we muddle through! At least in Perth we've had some good rain this year, and we're thankful for that. Let's hope there's a bit more to come (and that it makes its way to the drought affected areas over east too). Rhubarb, Asparagus & Jerusalem Artichokes have all ARRIVED and we still have stock available. It's the perfect time to get these planted so don't delay. Asparagus is 'Mary Washington' variety 2nd year crowns, and the Rhubarb is 'Ever Red' - so the lovely rich, red stems you traditionally think of as rhubarb. Yum!
Hello again! I hope you're having a great Winter season so far. I know we've had some wet & bleak days, but we've also had some glorious mild and sunny weather - perfect for getting things done or for just enjoying the weekend outdoors. The Winter solstice is behind us - so technically the days are getting longer once again. The cycle continues! Still, thoughts of Spring are still some way off right now and we need more rain to soak the soil and to put something into our dams. (If you're planning ahead for Spring - make sure you check out our VIP special offer below.)
Welcome to Winter! It has officially arrived; and after a few days AT LAST of decent rain - it feels like it! It's the time of year for hearty soups, stews and lots of fantastic winter vegies - if you haven't got them planted out yet you'd better get cracking! We've got LOTS of tips & info for gardening in Winter in Perth (which by world standards - is mild!). So don't hibernate away - it's time to get busy.
How is it May already? Wow. We've still been enjoying some warmer days; and there's not been much rain as yet - so it feels like Autumn is yet to happen in earnest; although the night time temperatures are getting lower and the days are definitely shorter. Autumn is a busy time in the garden and in this newsletter we've got lots of tips and great info to get you inspired.
So who can believe we're officially one month into Autumn already? It seems to be a bit of a pattern now that Summer's last hurrah comes late & into Autumn, and this year seems no exception, with some warm days making us wonder about the timing of new plantings and soil preparation. But the plants are aware of the shortening of daylight hours, and the cooler night temperatures, and we start to see the changes.
It's officially Autumn - which means it's TIME TO GARDEN! With so much to be done, we've got timely reminders of those jobs PLUS links to lots of our free guides to give you even more info & inspiration. Meet the winner of our 2018 Tomato Contest and find out what her top tips are for growing amazing tomatoes. I'm sure you'll be impressed by the pictures of her crop (and maybe a little bit jealous, too!). So sit down & have a read of our newsletter - then get stuck into your garden!
Hello & welcome to February! As the kids go back to school it feels like we're really in the groove for 2018. I trust some of you got to enjoy some fun family times over the holidays. It's an interesting time in the Perth garden. Usually February's one of our hottest months, so not conducive to gardening much at all - but we've been lucky to have a fairly mild summer so far this January and even LOTS of summer rain (thanks to ex-cyclone Joyce). At the same time there's that SLIGHT hint that we're on the downhill run to Autumn, with the promise of PERFECT growing conditions once more just around the corner. Hopefully this newsletter will inspire you and get you ready.
I hope you all got to enjoy a break over the silly season (even those of you who work in retail!) and 2018 is off to a great start for you. There's certainly lots of good things in the pipeline for us here @ Green Life Soil Co. While summer is a quieter time in the garden; as every gardener knows there's still things that need care and attention, so I hope this newsletter will give you some inspiration to enjoy some outdoors time.
Hello and welcome to DECEMBER! I'm sure when I last blinked it was July... I guess that's the way things go! We've been lucky that the weather has been MOSTLY mild so far; and things in our garden are growing well. I hope they are for you, too! For customers North of the river, as of this week you can find our Certified Organic potting mix stocked at Waldecks in Stirling and Kingsley. I hope that makes it nice and handy for you to stock up when you need it. So all the best for a safe and relaxing Christmas & happy December gardening. Cheers from all of us to all of you.
Welcome to the November newsletter - after a bit of a weird start to Spring it looks like we have some warmer weather arriving this week! Let's hope we can enjoy some gentle, warm Spring days before it starts to get crazy hot. I hope your garden's doing well - we've certainly enjoyed seeing things grow in response to the rain. I feel accomplished that we've got some summer crops in earlier this year; and look forward to harvest time!
Happy October - it's GLSC's birthday month, with 2017 marking 16 years that Paul & I have been in the business of encouraging good folk like yourselves to get out and garden! For those of you who have been with us the whole journey - thank you! And for those who have more recently discovered us - welcome & we hope we've got you hooked on living the green life too! Spring has arrived @ Green Life - although the weather has been a bit all over the place with some cold & rainy days - as usual, right at Royal Show time! Hopefully the cold conditions haven't set your seedlings back too much; the longer daylight hours and sunshine (when it shows itself!) has meant things in our garden have been booming.
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We guarantee our products. Ask our friendly staff for help & advice ~ we're here to help you achieve the garden of your dreams.