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Browse our Newsletter Archive below for more articles & growing guides! The most recent Newsletters are on top of the list! If you enjoy these, Sign Up for our Newsletter Today! We will let you know when a new newsletter is available online.
Sign Up to Our Newsletter!Hello and welcome to July - wow, what a start... We’ve passed the Winter Solstice so days are getting longer. We've had another lock down, freezing cold temperatures and... RAIN!! So. much. rain. I know we need it, but it tends to scare the customers away!!! And we've had a number of frosts up our way already - with a few ornamental plants suffering as a result, but they're hanging in with new growth coming through. a
Welcome to Winter! Chilly nights and mornings have arrived ~ and some good rainfall; with the May monthly average reached just in the nick of time! How is your garden going? Ours is thriving; but we definitely need to keep on top of weeds; as the rain has also given them a boost and they seem to grow overnight!
Hello & welcome to May! Autumn is well & truly here - with Winter just around the corner; officially at least! There are always some gorgeous days in May - sunny but not hot; the perfect combination to get outside and enjoy your outdoor space. It doesn't matter how big your area is - you can make it a pleasing sanctuary - your own happy place! Perth Garden & Outdoor Living Festival was on 6-9th May at Langley Park in the City. It was pushed out a week due to Covid restrictions - but luckily the event went ahead & the weather was great! Although GLSC didn't exhibit this year (taking a year off after attending for at least the last 13 years), I did a talk on Sunday on "Overcoming the challenges of Perth's sandy soils to create a healthy garden" - a subject that many of our GLSC customers are very familiar with, I'm sure!
Welcome to April and welcome to Djeran (Noongyar season). Djeran season at last sees a break in the really hot weather. A key indicator of the change of season is the cool nights that bring overnight dew. Breezes come from the south, and it's the time of ants - on the wing to begin new colonies. As the season progresses, the nights will become cooler and damper, and there's rainy days to come - which means that traditionally mia mias (houses or shelters) were now repaired and updated and made waterproof in readiness for winter. Banksias start to flower, producing nectar for many small mammals and birds. Traditionally, foods at this time of year included stored seeds, along with the root bulbs of the Yanget (Bullrushes), fresh water fish, frogs and turtles. We trust you had a great Easter long weekend. So far the weather has been warm and very humid; so although it's officially Autumn, it still doesn't quite feel like it. The good news is that you haven't missed your chance yet for Autumn/Winter crops - there's still plenty of time to get your seeds planted and/or buy seedlings ready to grow.
Welcome to Autumn - well, officially anyway! In the Nyoongar calendar, we're still in Birak - or 2nd summer. Their knowledge of the land and how it changes with the seasons is quite accurate - we know there's usually some hot days in March. However, I'm sure you've noticed that the days are getting shorter, and the angle of the sun is changing ever so slightly. We can tell we're on the cusp of a change. Gardeners get quite excited in Autumn - it is a FABULOUS time to be growing!
Happy New Year! We hope you had a great Christmas and maybe had some down-time to relax. We're back in full swing for 2021; and let's hope it's a great year! We've been at our "new" Wilson Road site for a full year - can you believe it? While there's a lot we've accomplished in that time, there's still more developments & improvements coming as time and budget allows - so watch this space! How has your garden coped with the heat? We've certainly had some hot days; and I know our garden has suffered. And as for these easterly winds... urgh! So drying and damaging. At home, we were very overdue with getting shadecloth up, as we had some structural improvements to the framework to do - and you know how one thing always leads to another, right? Well finally we've got over half of our vegie patch protected. We've got cucumbers, pumpkin, tomatoes and basil that have been struggling, and strawberries that have barely hung on - but they should all do much better now, and I can think about a few more things to get in the ground. [Never too late to have a go, right??]
Hello & welcome to DECEMBER! In the Noongyar culture, it's the start of Birak - the first summer season of easterly winds and cooling sea breezes - the regularity of which made it suitable for cool fires to burn the land; which aids germination, cleared areas for access and hunting (while regrowth provides grazing for native animals), and to reduce fuel for wildfires. The rains are easing up and temperatures are rising. Many young animals are around - fledglings have left the nest, and reptiles are shedding skin as they grow. Spring was certainly strange in recent weeks - with cooler days (and very cool nights!) and more recorded rainfall in November than ever before! (more rain than in July and almost as much as August!). Plants are definitely confused - cooler weather will delay germination of seeds, delay ripening of crops, and we're seeing a fair bit of blossom end rot in tomatoes due to the rainfall. And then there's the powdery mildew on cucurbits...ah - the joys of gardening! There's always SOMETHING to keep an eye on!!
Hello & welcome to NOVEMBER! As we steamroll towards Christmas and Summer and the end of 2020 - what a year it's been... More than ever before our gardens have become places to help us get in touch with nature and its rhythms; and for some, the love of gardening has been ignited for the first time. As I write this, the weather has returned to a Winter-like temperature, and we've received a very nice drop of rain which helps the new plantings along nicely. And a big THANK YOU for voting for us in the 2020 Organic Consumer's Choice Awards - we WON the title "ORGANIC SPECIALIST" thanks to receiving the votes from so many of our lovely customers. It's an honour to have such amazing support.
Hello and welcome to October! We're right in the heart of Spring - and I've been amazed (again) at the speed of growth in the garden at the moment. It seems the minute you turn your back, things are doubling in size. We've gone from waiting weeks and months for cauliflower heads to form, to being overrun with them - but it's a nice problem to have!! I hope you've been enjoying your garden, too! We've been exceptionally busy at GLSC this Spring - Remember we're open 6 days 8.30 - 4.00pm (closed Sundays) so come on in anytime for in store shopping. There's no charge to borrow one of our trailers (just remember to bring in your drivers license) if you want to pick up bulk soil or mulch.
Such a busy time in the garden & life seems to ramp up at this time of year too. It won't belong before we start seeing Christmas decorations in the shops - but between now & the traditional festive season, there's LOADS to do if you want to be harvesting fresh garden produce by then, and enjoying a healthy, green outdoor space over the summer - when you're entertaining outside and can really enjoy it. This month we hope to inspire you to get out there and get dirty!
Welcome to August. In the Nyoongar calendar, we're heading into Djilba - which is when the seasons begin to change (towards what we'd call 'Spring'). It is the time of conception; many native animals are breeding now so their young are born into a season of plentiful food. In our local bush, Acacias are flowering, and some of the other wildflowers like Hibbertia and Hovea are beginning to flower, too! Every week at this time of year, the bush comes alive with something else flowering. It is the time of year in the South West of WA that we're still having rainy days and cold weather, but there's also cold, clear days that can bring gorgeous blue skies and perfect conditions for gardening.
We're now in the middle of Winter; and while we've had some rain, there's also been some gorgeous sunny days. It really is a fabulous time to garden in Perth; without the harsh sun and heat putting our gardens under stress. We've passed the shortest day of the year now; so little by little, there's more daylight hanging around. Your plants will be noticing, and as the seasons turn it won't be long before Spring is here! The changing seasons really are wonderful, if we stop and take the time to observe nature! We've got some great tips this month on how to grow organically by encouraging birds & insects to your garden.
The nights are getting colder now. Temperatures are starting to really drop at night and that means we are starting to cook those hearty winter recipes like casseroles and soups to keep us warm. I'm sure your garden benefited from recent rains and I hope survived the storms unscathed. In the Noongar culture, June means the start of Makuru season (June-July). The coldest and wettest time of year known as the fertility season as animals prepare for winter breeding. The first rains begin, the westerly winds come and the Noongar people moved more inland to hunt. If you missed our Facebook posts, we have had some new infrastructure built. We have installed a new concreted undercover area to keep our bulk products safe and protected over the winter months (see photo below). We've still got more to do - more improvements will enable tighter quality control and enable us to bring in new bulk products in time. And speaking of new products - we have had some new household & personal products come onto the shelves! A fantastic new range of natural products from Herbon and a new range of Shampoo Bars from Shampoo with a Purpose.
Wow - what a roller coaster the last few months has been ~ April was so busy we didn’t get time to publish the newsletter and we send our deepest apologies to those who have been waiting! On a brighter note we have noticed a lot of new members signing up and would like to welcome you all to the Green Life family. What a strange Easter and Anzac we all experienced in isolation this year! With most of us home and spending time in the garden I wonder how much our gardens have grown? On a creative note World Naked Gardening Day was on Saturday the 2nd of May and my only comment is wow didn’t we get innovative in isolation this year.? With the first week of May we experienced some strong winds and rain (how did your garden survive?) But we're grateful the weather cleared up in time for Mother's Day.
We're living in strange times! GLSC has now implemented a 'closed door policy' - this means we are still trading, however our premises are no longer open to the public. We are offering (as we always have) a delivery service, and other products (including trailer loads of soil) can be purchased by a click & collect system. There's never been a more important time to garden. Welcome to our March newsletter.
Welcome to February! We've entered the Noongyar season of Bunuru - 'second summer'; the hottest part of the year with little or no rain, and hot easterly winds - and a cooling sea breeze (if we're lucky!). It was the time of year the traditional people lived near the water, and fish/aquatic foods made up a lot of their diet. It's also the time of the Marri flowers; and for those of us living around the hills, it's certainly a spectacular season for blossom this year. Farmers say that indicates a wet winter is on its way... we'll see! For gardeners, it's a season of 'hanging in there!' - keeping gardens alive, and planning for Autumn, which officially is only a month away. We know weather can be hot right up into April, day length is shortening, nights are generally cooler, and there'll be a change in the air before much longer. So check out all the things you can do and be prepared for your best ever Autumn in the garden.
Hello & welcome to 2020! It's been a crazy month around here - our big move happened over the Christmas break. We're now open & operational @ 166 Wilson Road; but still settling in - there'll be many improvements to come over the next year - so keep a look out and we hope to see you soon. Our new site is a mere 4 minute trip (a couple of kms) by car from our previous site - if you're taking Roe Highway to reach us, take the Toodyay Road exit heading towards the hills and you'll find us. Our new site has a drive thru shed - so if you're just picking up bags, follow the arrows via the far gate and on in and we'll load you.
Welcome to Summer - and boy, is it here with a BANG! It's a tough season to garden in Perth - hopefully the preparation you've done in recent months will help your garden survive AND thrive until Autumn. Well Green Lifers - OUR BIG MOVE is getting closer!!! Things at the new site (166 Wilson Road, Middle Swan - right next door to Tass1 Trees) are moving along, but there's many ducks to line up. The plan is that we'll be closed for an extended period over Christmas/New Year while we're moving & re-open for 2020 from the new premises. Check out our opening hours here...
Hello & welcome to November! As we head halfway into Spring, we can sense the days warming up. It was lovely to have some rain recently (commiserations if you're one of the gardeners who had some hail damage) - let's home a little bit of summer rain every now and again comes our way. The Spring garden is definitely alive & buzzing at our place. Seedlings of corn, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes and salad greens are pumping. We're picking sugar snap peas, heaps of spinach and silverbeet, some early garlic, and globe artichokes. While the broccoli is almost over (some side shoots still being produced from very sad looking & caterpillar ravaged plants), we've got a couple more nice cauliflower heads forming - but that will be brassicas done & dusted for the year.
Welcome to October - it's certainly starting to warm up in our gardens. Spring is such a busy time - there's so much to plant that will grow, flower and fruit before summer and beyond; and now's the time to start those clean up & planting jobs that will mean you've got an outdoor space to be proud of when you entertain over the summer & Christmas period. This month, we hope to inspire you to make the most of this gorgeous weather.
Hello & welcome to SPRING! Yes, it's officially here ~ and it's a perfect time to begin all those garden projects, and to get planting the crops that will be feeding you November through to January. In our instant world we forget nature has her cycles and can't be rushed; a seed takes time to germinate, grow and produce. Gardening is a great way to reconnect with this and to teach our children the lesson of patience. But there's sooooo much you can do now that will bring you rewards down the track. We hope this newsletter will inspire you to get out side in the coming weeks and be a part of it.
Hello again - here we are more than halfway through winter; so you know what that means; SPRING is literally just around the corner! Days are getting noticeably longer week on week and the plants will be noticing too! Let's hope there's still some good rain to be had - I'm sure there's still some very chilly days ahead too; we're not out of frost danger yet (if you live in those susceptible areas). As the weeks roll on; we'll have more and more varieties of Spring/Summer vegies available in both seed & seedlings. Come on in over the next month and check out our range, or feel free to call up if you're looking for something in particular.
Pick up bags or bulk product bring your trailer (or use one of ours) Opening hours: 8.30 - 4.00 Monday - Saturday (closed Sunday)
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We guarantee our products. Ask our friendly staff for help & advice ~ we're here to help you achieve the garden of your dreams.