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Browse our Newsletter Archive below for more articles & growing guides! The most recent Newsletters are on top of the list! If you enjoy these, Sign Up for our Newsletter Today! We will let you know when a new newsletter is available online.
Sign Up to Our Newsletter!Welcome to September - the official start of Spring; and certainly a prime time for gardening in Perth. To help get you fired up, in this newsletter we've got a whole list of things you can grow now, a helpful reminder of jobs to do, and our feature article is about building your soil fertility. Plus as always there's a special offer for our VIP customers - that's YOU! We hope you enjoy our latest newsletter.
As we head into August; the last official month of Winter, we're looking towards all the opportunities for a bumper spring crop & summer harvest. We address your gardening questions and help you get ready for Spring; with reminders for all those important jobs and a list of what you can begin to plant now. With a whole new round of workshops announced, there's something for everyone @ GLSC, no matter where you are on your gardening journey.
Hello and welcome to our July newsletter! We've passed the shortest day of the year so... ever so slowly... the days are beginning to get longer once more. Let's hope we get a lot more rain between now and Spring. Winter opening hours take effect from 1st July 2017. We're open from 8.30 - 4.00pm Monday - Saturday; and 8.30 - 2.00pm Sundays. Should you need to pick soil up outside of these hours (particularly trade customers) please contact us and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.
So much to do in the June garden... In our June 2017 newsletter we hope to inspire you to get those necessary jobs done and reap the rewards in Spring. But there's still plenty to plant and grow right now too. Have you tried growing microgreens? Anyone can grow them anywhere - virtually no space required. We'll show you how. Plus there's new products to try and more good stuff going on @ Green Life Soil Co.
Happy May! So we're half-way through Autumn almost, and hasn't the weather been gorgeous? Sure - we could always use a bit more rain over here in dry Perth, but as far as working outside; the conditions have been perfect. We've had a busy month with the Perth Garden Festival end April. I hope you got down to the show - organisers believe record numbers of about 30,000 made it through the gates this year, and it was certainly busy - lots of people to chat to and hopefully teach about their options for gardening in a more sustainable fashion.
Autumn is upon us! And isn't it lovely? We'd love to know what you're doing in your garden right now - if you're interested in sharing some photos, we'd love to see them! You never know - you could WIN yourself a pass to the Garden Festival... See below for more details! We've been working on bringing some NEW products to market too - and we've got more info about those in this newsletter. Plus the handy reminders of what to do in the garden NOW, and what you can plant out at this time of year.
Welcome to Autumn! We're excited because the best time to garden in Perth is this season!!! There's LOADS to do in the garden at this time of year and we hope this newsletter will inspire you to get outside. Gardening is a wonderful way to nourish your body with gentle exercise and your mind with relaxing, purposeful tasks - and if you're growing edibles, you get to nourish your body from the inside too, with the freshest and tastiest produce you grow.
Hello Green-Lifers - and welcome to February! At this time of year things are settling into a 'routine' - kids are back at school, holiday season is over and the year is really underway. It's time to get back into the garden. This month we're announcing our Tomato Contest Winners. Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter; it is always great to see the variety of tomatoes you're growing. Plus we've got a whole new round of workshops coming for the first half of the year. Details are below. We'd love to know what other workshops you may be interested in, so drop us a line with your ideas.
Happy New Year! I hope 2017 brings you & your family every happiness, and that your garden blooms exceptionally well this year! I hope you've had a chance to have a rest over the Christmas period. We're glad to say @ GLSC we survived the road closure - Farrall Road has been re-opened and you can now access us from each end; however due to the median strip, northbound traffic can only enter & exit from the northern end of our carpark.
Welcome to our December newsletter. So Christmas is just around the corner again. I hope you're ready for it - if you need ideas for Christmas gifts for gardening friends & relatives, see our suggestions below for inspiration, or browse around our revamped website (Do you like it?? The idea was to make it easier to navigate and it's also now fully mobile responsive).
Welcome to November - we've had some lovely spring weather so far, and the garden has appreciated the mild weather and extra rain. I think it won't be long before we start experiencing a few hotter days, so check out the 'Jobs to Do' section below to make sure you and your garden are prepared.
Wow - here we are now going into October! Hasn't it been a SLOW start to spring in our gardens? I know many of you are struggling with your summer seedlings; it is simply because conditions have been so cold. This month marks the 15th anniversary of Paul & myself having the business, so we've got a birthday bash planned with lots of garden goodies to be won.
Spring is here! Spring is here! After a wet and cold winter the thought of some warmer, sunny days is most appealing. Our gardens have loved the rain (there's a good moisture bank built up in the soil) but not the cold so much - seedlings have been slow and many plants are looking a bit sad and yellow - but they'll soon pick up again as the days get longer and warmer. Such a busy time in the garden AND at GLSC right now - come along to our Greener Garden Festival, Saturday 3rd September to listen to gardening experts Sabrina Hahn & Sue McDougall.
Hello Green Lifers - August already? Next month we'll be celebrating the start of Spring, so now's the time to be getting your garden sorted, and we hope this newsletter will get you inspired. It's a fantastic time to be getting garden beds ready and seedlings started. The days are getting longer and our plants are slowly responding to increased sunlight hours.
Hello again, Green Lifers! Brrrrr. As I write we have been experiencing some lovely, sunny winter days here in Perth; but the mornings have been COLD. Still, it's lovely to see the sun and to be able to get outdoors. It's a great time to get busy in the garden, and there are heaps of jobs to get done now to keep things looking good, and to get prepared for Spring. In this newsletter we've got info on:
Welcome to winter - well, officially! We have had some great rain to start us off; let's hope it continues. This time of year is a highly productive time of year in the garden, as plants grow well in the milder weather and with more moisture in the soil. There's always something to be done in the garden - and we've got lots of tips & ideas for you this month.
Hello and welcome to May! - hasn't it been a good start to Autumn so far; with some fantastic early rain? I know the weeds are doing well at our place! We have just come out of the Perth Garden Festival last weekend; so apologies that the newsletter is a little late. It was a good show - everyone I spoke to had good things to say about the range of stalls and the excellent program of speakers that ran every day; there was something for everyone!
Well HELLO and welcome to April! It's SUCH a great time to get busy and grow in the garden, and we have everything you need to get you started. Read here about our workshops; there's some fantastic sessions coming up. Also find out about how you can get FREE delivery of bulk soil; and other special deals for being a VIP Green Lifer.
Yay! It's officially Autumn! Sure, some hot days no doubt but overall the nights are cooler and we are in for some FANTASTIC gardening weather over the next couple of months. We have some very exciting news for you if you're wanting to get your garden beds ready for planting. Check out our new discounted delivery structure for bulk soil products. Also - our workshop schedule is up & running - we have got some great sessions planned between now and July; keep an eye on our brand new Events page on our website.
Hello and welcome to February! Kids are back to school, and the year seems to be settling into a routine of sorts (for me, at least!) We've had some unusual weather throughout January, with rain every week it seems. This humid weather can present a challenge in our gardens with fungal diseases, etc. - I hope your garden has enjoyed the water and is otherwise unscathed!
Happy New Year! I trust you had a lovely Christmas, and have enjoyed a little bit of downtime after the 'silly season' to recharge your batteries! In this newsletter we focus on WATER use in the garden. I'm sure you're hearing the message everywhere, but we really do need to ensure we manage this resource properly. We also look at jobs to do in the garden, what you can plant now (and how to get the best results), and news about our 2016 Tomato Contest.
Hello again Green Lifers! Here we are & it's December again! It has been a very busy year for us and we'd like to THANK YOU all for your amazing support. We will be closing for a few days (mainly the public holidays) but will be re-opening between Christmas and New Year (for those of you with time off who want to get stuck into some projects!)
Pick up bags or bulk product bring your trailer (or use one of ours) Opening hours: 8.30 - 4.00 Monday - Saturday (closed Sunday)
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We guarantee our products. Ask our friendly staff for help & advice ~ we're here to help you achieve the garden of your dreams.