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Closed Sundays
until further notice
Cassie's Clay contains is a blend of high quality clays, silt and minerals; perfect for improving water holding of Perth's sandy soils.
The amount of Cassie's Clay to use depends greatly on the condition of your soil, and what you're going to be growing.
It is best to start with a smaller amount, and add more if required. Improve the top 10 -15cms of soil, using between 5 - 10kgs of Cassie's Clay per square metre. Sprinkle the clay over the surface and cultivate Cassie's Clay into the dry soil with a spade or mattock. Wet down the soil (you should see the difference in wettability straight away). Add more if necessary. Compost, biochar and/or other soil improvers can be incorporated into the soil at the same time.
Certified organic - ideal for growing food crops.
Bulkabag price does not include delivery. Please contact us for options/quotation as price varies depending on delivery method used. You are welcome to collect the bulkabag with a trailer (or use one of our courtesy trailers). Please pre-order the bulkabag to avoid delays.
Cassie's Clay is also available by the scoop for pickup or delivery. Call us for details.
NOTE: image depicts 500L bulkabag and is for illustration purposes only.
Recommended: Mulching helps retain moisture and promotes a healthy, living soil.